about jilian :

Hey hey hey! My name is Jilian and I live in Kansas City, MO. I've had the privilege to travel to different parts of the world taking photos of amazing people and beautiful places. Over the years, I have been so lucky to be able to hone in on very specific subject areas of photography consisting of boudoir, aviation portraits, and concert photography which keeps me quite busy.
That being said, I am always either at my studio, at the airport, or at a punk rock show. haha
Aviation has always been a constant in my life. My dad took me to my first airshow in 1987. (I wasn't even one year old yet!) I took my first single engine flight in 2001 at KWDR in a Cessna 172. Though life has taken me in various directions, I have always found a home in aviation and the pilot community and I am currently working to finish up that PPL. I'm the proud owner of a 1979 Beechcraft Skipper!
I would love to say that I am this outgoing creature that has this eccentric life, but alas that's not me. I'm definitely more of a homebody who loves giant cups of coffee all day long, am always reading some kind of history book (my go-to is British history and I am way into pirates at the moment as well), or listening to Bayside albums on repeat. I wear sweatpants in the summer time #alwayscold and oftentimes forget to eat all day. (how?) I can admit, however, that I have a chronic case of wanderlust.
My favorite places I have visited are Greece, Amsterdam, Italy, and Scotland hands down.
Some places on my bucket list : Spain and Ireland.
Writing about yourself is so hard! I am an open book so if you want to know more about me- just ask!
And I will just leave you with this: I feel so incredibly lucky to have my dream job of capturing aviation moments for you to treasure forever. Your sessions help me continue my own aviation journey and I am beyond grateful for that! I can't wait to meet you!